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Troubleshooting & FAQ

Official Documentation

App Crashes Unexpectedly

Check the arguments of the message type.

Make sure to pass string keys and string values as objects in templateArgs and serverCallbackArgs.

KakaoTalk or Browser Opens but Cannot Send Message (Error 4002, etc.)

This issue may occur due to problems with the message type arguments.

Ensure that the arguments provided, as per the TypeScript definitions, are correct and avoid passing empty arrays.

Also, template IDs or calendar template IDs must be pre-configured in the Kakao console.

android and ios execution params have the highest priority, followed by mobileWebUrl and webUrl if present.

Does the KakaoTalk Message API Support?

Currently, only the KakaoTalk Share API is supported.

Images Are Not Displaying Properly

Ensure that all images are at least 200px x 200px and under 2MB in size.

Clicking the Button Does Not Redirect to My Website

Register your web platform in the Kakao console and pre-register the URL of your website.