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Send Message with Text Template

Text Template

Official Documentation

This is a message format composed only of text.

Use Case: It is suitable for composing messages with lengthy information or for creating messages consisting solely of text.


Template Type Definition

* Basic template class for text-based messages.
* @property text Text to include in the message (up to 200 characters)
* @property link Link information for moving when the content is clicked
* @property buttons Button list. Used when you want to change the button title and the link, or when you want to use two buttons. (Up to 2 buttons)
* @property buttonTitle Set to change the default button title "Learn more". If used, the link to move when the button is clicked will be the value entered in the content
export interface KakaoTextTemplate {
text: string;
link: KakaoTemplateLink;
buttons?: KakaoTemplateButton[];
buttonTitle?: string;

Send Message to Myself

sendTextTemplateToMe to send a template message to yourself.

export function sendTextTemplateToMe(params: {
template: KakaoTextTemplate;
  • template: The template object.

Send Message to Friends

Use sendTextTemplateToFriends to send a template message to your friends.

export function sendTextTemplateToFriends(params: {
template: KakaoTextTemplate;
receiverUuids: string[];

Refer to Component Types for detailed component types.

If you encounter any issues, refer to Troubleshooting.