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Component Types

Component Types

All types are also documented with TypeScript comments for easy reference while coding.

* Object containing link information for navigating when clicking on content or buttons within a message.
* @param webUrl Web link URL used in PC version of KakaoTalk.
* @param mobileWebUrl Web link URL used in mobile KakaoTalk.
* @param androidExecutionParams Parameters added to the app link URL for Android KakaoTalk.
* @param iosExecutionParams Parameters added to the app link URL for iOS KakaoTalk.
export interface KakaoTemplateLink {
webUrl?: string;
mobileWebUrl?: string;
iosExecutionParams?: Readonly<{ [key: string]: string }>;
androidExecutionParams?: Readonly<{ [key: string]: string }>;

* Object containing content information for a message.
* @param title Title of the content.
* @param imageUrl URL of the content's image.
* @param link Link information for navigating when the content is clicked.
* @param imageWidth Width of the content's image (unit: pixels).
* @param imageHeight Height of the content's image (unit: pixels).
export interface KakaoTemplateContent {
title: string;
imageUrl: string;
link: KakaoTemplateLink;
description?: string;
imageWidth?: number;
imageHeight?: number;

* Object containing information about item list type content.
* @param item Item name. Display up to 6 characters.
* @param itemOp Item price. Allowed characters: numbers, currency symbols, commas(,), periods(.), including decimal amounts with up to 2 decimal places recommended.
export interface KakaoTemplateItemInfo {
item: string;
itemOp: string;

* Object containing information about item list type content.
* @param profileText Text to be displayed in the header or profile area. If [profileImageUrl] is not present, only a bold title is displayed in the header. Display up to 16 characters.
* @param profileImageUrl Image displayed in the profile area. Displayed as a small circular profile picture.
* @param titleImageText Title of the image item. Display up to 2 lines, maximum 24 characters.
* @param titleImageUrl Image of the image item. Images not in a 1:1 ratio of 108*108 for iOS and 98*98 for Android are cropped using the center crop method.
* @param titleImageCategory Category information displayed in gray below the title of the image item. Display up to one line, maximum 14 characters.
* @param items Information on each text item. Arrays of JSON including [ItemInfo.item] and [ItemInfo.itemOp] corresponding to item names and prices, supporting up to 5 items.
* @param sum Summary information for the item area, such as order amount or payment amount. Display up to 6 characters below the text item area.
* @param sumOp Price sum information of the item area. Display up to 11 characters in bold below the text item area.
export interface KakaoTemplateItemContent {
profileText?: string;
profileImageUrl?: string;
titleImageText?: string;
titleImageUrl?: string;
titleImageCategory?: string;
items?: Array<KakaoTemplateItemInfo>;
sum?: string;
sumOp?: string;

* Object used to represent social information such as likes, comments, and shares.
* @param likeCount Number of likes on the content.
* @param commentCount Number of comments on the content.
* @param sharedCount Number of shares of the content.
* @param viewCount Number of views of the content.
* @param subscriberCount Number of subscribers to the content.
export interface KakaoTemplateSocial {
likeCount?: Int32;
commentCount?: Int32;
sharedCount?: Int32;
viewCount?: Int32;
subscriberCount?: Int32;

* Object used to represent price information.
* @param regularPrice Regular price.
* @param discountPrice Discounted price.
* @param discountRate Discount rate.
* @param fixedDiscountPrice Fixed discount price.
* @param productName Product name.
* @param currencyUnit Price unit.
* @param currencyUnitPosition Price unit position (0: unit displayed after the price, 1: unit displayed before the price).
export interface KakaoTemplateCommerce {
regularPrice: Int32;
discountPrice?: Int32;
fixedDiscountPrice?: Int32;
discountRate?: Int32;
productName?: string;
currencyUnit?: string;
currencyUnitPosition?: Int32;

* Object representing a button added at the bottom of a message.
* @param title Button title.
* @param link Link information for navigating when the button is clicked.
export interface KakaoTemplateButton {
title: string;
link: KakaoTemplateLink;