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Share Message with Custom Template

Custom Template

Refer to the Official Documentation for details on sharing messages via KakaoTalk using custom templates created directly in the [Tool] > [Message Template] section.


You can send a message using the shareCustomTemplate() function.

This function is defined as follows:

export function shareCustomTemplate(params: {
templateId: number;
useWebBrowserIfKakaoTalkNotAvailable?: boolean;
templateArgs?: Record<string, string>;
serverCallbackArgs?: Record<string, string>;
  • templateId: The message template specified in the console.
  • useWebBrowserIfKakaoTalkNotAvailable: Indicates whether to use a web browser for sharing if KakaoTalk is not available. The default value is true.
  • templateArgs: Template arguments. All values must be passed as strings.
  • serverCallbackArgs: Server callback arguments. All values must be passed as strings.

Refer to the Component Types for detailed component types.

If you encounter any issues, refer to the Troubleshooting section.