Shipping Address
Retrieve Shipping Address
You can fetch the user's shipping address information using shippingAddresses()
This feature is only available in business apps that have obtained user consent for the shipping_address
The response will be of type Promise<KakaoShippingAddressResult>
The types are defined as follows:
export type KakaoShippingAddressResult = {
userId?: number;
needsAgreement?: boolean;
shippingAddresses: KakaoShippingAddress[];
export type KakaoShippingAddress = {
id: number;
name?: string;
isDefault: boolean;
updatedAt?: number;
type?: string;
baseAddress?: string;
detailAddress?: string;
receiverName?: string;
receiverPhoneNumber1?: string;
receiverPhoneNumber2?: string;
zoneNumber?: string;
zipCode?: string;