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Consent Scope Information

API related to user consent information.

For more details, refer to the Official Documentation.

Official Documentation

Use scopes(scopes?: string[]) to retrieve user consent items.

The response will be of type Promise<KakaoScopeInfo[]>.

export type KakaoScopeInfo = {
id: string;
agreed: boolean;
displayName: string;
revocable?: boolean;
using: boolean;
delegated?: boolean;
type: string;



Official Documentation

You can revoke user consent items using revokeScopes(scopes: string[]).

Revokes the consent for the agreed items by the user. Only consent items with a revocable value of true in the consent item information obtained through the consent information retrieval API can be revoked. If you request to revoke consent for items where revocation is not possible, you will receive an error response.

The ID of the consent item to be revoked is specified as the scopes value, referring to the ID in [My Applications] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items].

